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Ipad Air Serial Number Location

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by confilile1983 2020. 1. 21. 20:08


Ipad Air Serial Number Location

We are very often asked about our technology products that can assist people in accessing, mounting or 'AAC-ifying' their iPads. We are asked about these A LOT. During these conversations, it's important for us to know which model iPad is being discussed and sometimes, particularly now that Apple have iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 in the market, that information is hard to know. So here's some links to help with the question 'Which iPad do you have?' Identifying by Serial Number You'll need to know your iPad serial number.

Are Serial Numbers unique? What are the limitations identifying a specific device using Serial Numbers? IPod, iPhone and iPad Serial Numbers can be located. Check your Apple warranty status. Enter a serial number to review your eligibility for support and extended coverage. Serial Number: This is a number unique to your iPhone or iPad that can be used to identify your device. Apple or your carrier will often ask for your serial number when providing support for your device, and you'll also need your serial number if you're looking to make a trade in.

Ipad Air Serial Number Location


This method is handy to know if your iPad is in a case like a Griffin Survivor or LifeProof or the Model or Serial number has been rubbed off the back of your iPad or is hard to see (as shown in the picture to the right) The serial number of your iPad can be found through your Settings App - Settings General About Here's Once the serial number is known, it's simply a matter of entering that number into a search which results in showing the status of your iPad's service coverage, and a by-product is that the information also tells you your model automatically. This is accomplished through Apple's Support and Service coverage status page and it can be found through the link below:. Indentifying by Model Number You'll need to know your iPad Model number, which can be found on the back of your iPad case (see the image above) This is a simpler approach and if you can't read your model number on the back of your iPad, then use the Serial Number method above. Once the Model number is know, check it against the list of current and legacy iPad's on Apple's website.

Locate Ipad By Serial Number

We hope that helps, it'll certainly help us and I'm sure we'll be using this webpage as a reference tool in the fututre. No doubts about that at all.

Ipad Air Serial Number Location