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Move it or copy it to your bf2 directory 3. Select your mod 4. Select the numbers of bot and difficulty 5. Click save to file, then run bf2 mod. I use this (2,0) because idk what happen my version of 2,1 freeze everytime i double click it.
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I think its too late in development to have a PvE mode with bots added, but it would be nice. The one thing I did see some people complain about when BF1 came out, was that it felt more like a WW2 game in how it played rather than a WW1 game. With a PvE mode against bots or some kind of WW1esque horde mode you could get a genuine WW1 experience.Just imagine scenarios where you're being charged by bots across no mans land and your trying to hold them off with a Lebel or Enfield rifle. In other scenarios you could be doing a trench raid with a MP18 or 1897 Winchester shotgun. The possibilities are quite interesting.I had hopes the campaigns would deliver on allot of this. I did enjoy it, but I'd argue it was short and missed out on some of the potential interesting material. I would love to do all of the Operations with hundreds of bots.Let me be clear.
Like, minimum 300, so 150 a side or something, but the only thing is, they do not respawn. At least not all of them do. You could have it so that it the regular 32 per side will respawn, but no more then that. You could also get a bit more in depth, like every sector won adds a few extra bots on top of the 32 per side, but they die off, and don't respawn either. Just to keep the numbers up and a bit more interesting.I think that'd be really, really cool. Like a real war. Nobody respawns in a real war.
There’s multiple game modes and DLC modes with zero players in it at any time. Adding more content for people to play when there’s already content without people playing it doesn’t make much sense.Don’t believe me?
See how far you get trying to find a Domination game on the French DLC. Maybe one or two rounds a week, before the server empties, and some game modes never get any players.I’m talking about PC here, but any decision had to be made with all platforms in mind, and Xbox player count has dropped to comparable levels at certain times of the day.So, sorry. A player count is high or low depending on the game’s content.
A game with one game mode with only 5 players per team? 1000 is a ton of players.A game where the minimum is 24 players a side, people play all over the world, the most popular game modes need 64 players and there are multiple different games modes to play. 5000 would be pitiful. See?It’s all relative.
On PC in BF1, there’s multiple things I’d like to play, but no longer can due to not enough players in the game. That’s a low player count, by definition.